Thursday, October 15, 2015

Pizza Business's in Social Media

In this day and age it's best to branch out into social media to reach your customers. Using social media business's can talk directly to their customers. This gives them the chance to correct errors they may not be aware of and advertise new products. Today I will be comparing how Papa John's and Pizza Hut use their respective Facebook pages.

First I took a look at Papa John's Facebook page. Before I read the posts they made I looked at what they had on their page. They have links to applications for employment, website, and their rewards program. Papa John's also changes it's banner photo to the current special each month. Now I delve into the posts on their wall. At first glance they have posts regarding new pizza deal they have and some charitable events they have attended. They make good use of photos with each of their posts. Now if you look at the comments under each of their posts there is a common trend among every post. Many of these comments are complaints towards the company or the individual service from their local franchise. The comments that are made towards the company that are bad go ignored it seems, but not deleted. However if someone posts a comment regarding poor service at a franchise level, Papa John's responds with an apology and a link to survey in an effort to correct future issues. These responds seem to take under 24 hours, which is good. Overall Papa John's is doing well in their effort to cater to customers in a social media aspect.

Now lets look at Pizza Hut's Facebook page. They basically have the same apps as Papa John's does. They have an application link for employment and their website. They however do not have a link to their rewards program. One thing I like that they have on their Facebook page is a map. This map shows nearby Pizza Hut restaurants around your location. As I delve into their wall posts I notice more posts of them in the community rather than advertisements of new specials. I had to go back to September 21st to find a post regarding a new pizza. If you look at the comments on each of the posts there are a lot less complaint posts compared to Papa Johns. Looking more specifically at the complaints, they are about service. Service was just not fast enough. Pizza Hut responded to each of these comments within an hour of each post. Much faster than Papa John's response time. When comparing both of these Facebook pages, Pizza Hut is better than Papa John's. They relate to the customer more efficiently than the down to business aspect of Papa John's.