Thursday, September 17, 2015

MATC The Second Chance At College

Have you ever woken up from 4 hours of sleep after working 17 hours straight, only to get ready for another shift? After working this way for three years I decided I was done with having a retail job. As my teacher would say, I was done having jobs and I'm ready for a career. I decided to go into nursing because healthcare was common in my family. After working two years on that degree, I decided it wasn't for me. I needed something different and something I actually enjoy.

Sometimes taking second chances prove better then the previous attempt. This time around I've chosen a field in technology. Specifically I've chosen the network specialist program at Milwaukee Area Technical College. I'm only in my fourth week of my first semester, but even after my first week I feel like diving in deeper. I want to learn more than what I'm being taught each week. In my extra free time you can find me on cbtnuggets learning as much as I can.

While I'm college I still have to earn money. I currently work full-time as a manager at a Papa John's. I've been told its difficult to be a full-time manager and a full-time student, but I feel I have balanced them well this semester. I'm able to complete my some homework while I'm at work. I've even managed to continue streaming on my Twitch channel. I started at Papa John's as a delivery driver while I was in nursing school. So thankfully I had something to fall back on while I was in transition between colleges. Since starting there I learned everything I could there, which landed me in the management position I find myself in today. Every experience I have at my current job gives me a new lesson, which I will carry with me forever. Some of these lessons include team building and conflict resolution tactics, which are invaluable.

As always thanks for reading and have a great day!

Smorr Tech Guy
Network Specialist Student

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