Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Virtual Reality Are You Ready?

With advancements in entertainment the most logical next step would be a refined virtual reality experience. Many companies are coming out with their own style of virtual reality. Some are extremely affordable, which are literally cardboard and a smartphone, while others have some pretty heavy tech in them, which drives up the prices. After watching the latest episode of Tech News Today, I've come to realize there is more than just the Oculus coming out with VR technology. They discussed the HTC Vive at length.

The HTC Vive  was slated for commercial release in November, but was pushed back to April. Instead of releasing them for everyone, they released 7000 units to developers for free. Most would consider this to be a bad business decision. I consider this to be a brilliant move for HTC. Most new platforms fail if there is nothing there to use. By releasing 7000 units five months early, this gives developers time to make a product utilizing this technology. Another incentive for developers to make products on this platform is cost. HTC has cut developer cost by giving them the platform to work with.

Now HTC has to fulfill its expected release. I feel if they push back the release any further they will lose the hype they are building for their platform. In order to succeed with this new product, they should release some for the press. The press can write their reviews on the product and give consumers more information regarding the device. According to, this device could range in price from $201 to $500. This puts it in the same price range for new game systems, making them somewhat affordable.

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